If you need to pen down your thoughts in an essay, article or story, etc…then paragraph act as a building blocks of your content.
What is a paragraph?
A paragraph is a group of sentences organized around a central topic.
How do they help us?
Learning to write good paragraphs will help you as a writer stay on track during drafting your content.You can write a fascinating paragraph if ideas are arranged in proper sequence. In order to write a good paragraph, students need to understand the four essential elements of paragraph writing.
- The four elements essential to good paragraph writing are: unity, order, coherence, and completeness.
- Unity– Unity in a paragraph begins with the topic sentence. Every paragraph has one single, controlling idea that is expressed in its topic sentence, which is typically the first sentence of the paragraph. A paragraph is unified around this main idea.
- Order– Order refers to the way you organize your supporting sentences. In a well-ordered paragraph, the reader follows along easily, aided by the pattern you’ve established. Order helps the reader grasp your meaning and avoid confusion.
- Coherence– Coherence is the quality that makes your writing understandable. Sentences within a paragraph need to connect to each other and work together as a whole.
- Completeness– Completeness means a paragraph is well-developed. If all sentences clearly and sufficiently support the main idea, then your paragraph is complete. The concluding sentence of the paragraph should summarize your main idea by reinforcing your topic sentence.
Tips to develop a fascinating paragraph:
- Use examples and illustrations
- Cite data (facts, statistics, evidence, details, and others)
- Use an anecdote or story
- Define terms in the paragraph
- Compare and contrast
- Evaluate causes and reasons
- Examine effects and consequences
- Describe the topic
Format of paragraph
The basic paragraph consists of three parts: a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.
- Topic Sentence: Generally, the topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph. All subsequent points made in the paragraphs should support the topic sentence.
- Supporting Details:Supporting details elaborate upon and prove the topic sentence. Supporting details should be drawn from a variety of sources including research and experiences, depending on the assignment, and include the writer’s own analysis.
- Concluding Sentence: Each paragraph should end with a final statement that ties together the ideas brought up in the paragraph and emphasizes the main idea one last time. If the assignment is longer, it should transition to the ideas of the next paragraph.
Examples of Paragraph Writing
- The Road is one of the great fundamental institutions of mankind. Not only is the Road one of the great human institutions because it is fundamental to social existence, but also because its varied effects appear in every department of the State. It is the Road which determines the sites of many cities and the growth and nourishment of all. It is the Road which controls the development of strategies and fixes the sites of battles. It is the Road that gives its framework to all economic development. It is the Road which is the channel of all trade, and, what is more important, of all ideas. In its most humble function it is a necessary guide without which progress from place to place would be a ceaseless experiment; it is a sustenance without which organized society would be impossible, thus the Road moves and controls all history. – Hilaire Belloc.*In this paragraph, the first sentence states the subject. It is the topical sentence.The body of the paragraph consists of examples which prove the statement in the first sentence. The final sentence sums up the whole.
- Poetry is the language of the imagination and the passions. It relates to whatever gives immediate pleasure or pain to the human mind. It comes home to the bosoms and businesses of men; for nothing but what comes home to them in the most general and intelligible shape can be a subject for poetry. Poetry is the universal language which the heart holds with nature and itself. He who has a contempt for poetry cannot have much respect for himself, or for anything else. Wherever there is a sense of beauty, or power, or harmony, as in the motion of a wave of the sea, in the growth of a flower, there is poetry in its birth.
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